GAMO Socom Fusion IGT 5.5mm

• Whisper Fusion 消聲器/IGT減震動力系統/CAT可調兩段力度板機/RRR瞄準座軟墊減震/SWA減震
• 單發/極準確/來福線槍管/可調式槍柄/槍身輕巧

The Whisper Fusion offers all-weather durability combined with maximum performance. Light weight synthetic stock, match grade fluted barrel.
The IGT (Inert Gas Technology) is a new technology from Gamo for Adult Break-Barrel Air Rifles. This innovative technology allows shooting pellet ammunition by use of a pneumatic inert gas cylinder instead of conventional spring technology.
Fluted Polymer Jacketed Steel Barrel with WHISPER FUSION Double Integrated Noise Dampening Technology.
Gamo® introduced “The Quietest Quiet Gun™” air rifle when it released the new Whisper® Fusion® and Whisper Fusion Pro line back in 2013. With its patented double integrated noise dampening technology making the shot nearly undetectable to pesky varmints, the Whisper Fusion also offers exclusive Smooth Action Trigger (SAT) and Shock Wave Absorber (SWA) features, making it a must-have.*Power will vary depending on the legislation of each country.
-Single Shot
-Inert Gas Technology (IGT)
-Break Barrel: Single Cocking System
-Automatic Cocking Safety system
-Barrel: Fluted Polymer Jacketed Steel with WHISPER FUSION Technology
-Trigger: Two stage adjustable SAT (Smooth Action Trigger)
-Manual Safety
· Weight: 8 lbs
· Length: 43"
· Ammunition: pellets of all shapes
· Calibers: .22 in (5.5 mm)