NS•300 SubZero Long Distance Laser Designator 《已售罄 Sold Out》

NS•300 SubZero 綠光鐳射瞄準儀
• 使用520nm綠色鐳射光頻率,易於使用
• 光束可照射至1.6公里遠(光束調至最集中時)/防水、防霧設計/鋁合金筒身
• 可調校光線集中或擴散
• 適合夜間進行射擊、釣魚、遠足、航海、拯救、求救...用途
• 附送:延長線開闗掣/安裝上瞄準鏡金屬插座/清潔套裝

The new brighter, more powerful, ultra compact laser designator. The perfect alternative to night vision scopes.
The ND-3 Subzero™ Laser Designator uses patented technology to create true night vision and turns your scoped rifle into a night hunter. Combining a powerful green laser diode and a precision optical collimator, the NS-300 Subzero™ pairs with your scope and allows you to cast a bright beam of green laser light to fully illuminate targets at up to 300 yards. Rotating the collimator ring to its minimum creates a bright micro beam of green laser light visible up to 3 miles and rotating the same collimator to a wider setting allows it to be used as a light source in close quarters or following a trail in conditions with low natural light. To create true night vision, the NS-300 Subzero™ Laser Designator uses the same patented green laser technology as the standard Ns-300® series. However, the Ns-300 Subzero™ Laser Designator operates at temperatures as low as 0°F without loss of power.
Why Green Laser
Research has proven that green light is the most visible to the human eye (See Chart) and requires the least amount of eye adjustment at night. An eye that has adapted to daytime conditions generally has a maximum sensitivity around 555nm. Compared to the color red which optical spectrum is around 630 – 650nm our eye is closer to the Green region of the optical spectrum at 510 - 530nm.
> Tube Diameter: 1"
> Weight 0.336 Pounds
> Length: 171.5mm
> Wavelength: 520nm
> Output Power: 18mW
> Range: Up to 1.0 Miles
> Breen wavelength is easy for humans to see but invisible to many animal species
> Focus the beam from a wide flood to a tight point
> Precision-machined from high tech aluminum
> Fully O-ring sealed for dust and water
> Subzero system enables use in subzero temperatures without loss of intensity or power
> 1" Scope Mount Adjustable Elevation and Windage
> Pressure Switch or Tailcap pushbutton
> Cleaning Kit
> CR 123A Lithium Battery